
Individuals (18+)

My work with individuals centers around supporting you as you embrace self-development and strengthen self-esteem, combat anxiety, navigate life transitions, confront minority stress, dismantle generational impact, and establish healthy boundaries.



So often in life, the partner relationship can get pushed to the side as other stressors and responsibilities weigh heavily on us as individuals. I believe that relationships deserve a space where they can be centered and honored – where partners can reconnect, rebuild, and strengthen together. Relationship couseling can be helpful no matter what stage or state your relationship is in. My focus in relationship counseling can range from pre-marital, actively addressing distressing concerns, maintenance work, and dissolution of relationships.

Interracial/Intercultural Relationships

In addition to common relationship stressors (communication, sex, kids, money…) those in interracial/intercultural relationships may also face some unique difficulties such as intolerance/stigma, lack of support, and loss or acquisition of societal privileges. My work with you here centers on navigating the expression of unspoken and unmet needs, mitigating anxiety within the unit by prioritizing self-integration, creating shared meaning and relationship culture, framing differences, and setting boundaries.

Consensual Non-Monogamy/Polyamorous Relationships

Due to cultural monogamous socialization and a lack of knowledge and understanding, those in CNM relationships often face stigma, criticism, and rejection from others. This can be (but is not always) impactful for an individual and challenging for the CNM unit. It is, unfortunately, not uncommon to experience a rupture between family and/or friends, to not have all of your partners acknowledged or welcome in social settings, and to experience an irrelevant focus on relationship structure in medical or mental health care treatments.

Whether you are just seeking a CNM affirming therapist, are individually exploring the idea of CNM, are in a monogamous relationship and hoping to transition to CNM, or are currently in a CNM relationship, there is a place here for you and everyone in your CNM unit. I am here to hold a space that honors your romantic relationships and to assist you in developing, reaching, and maintaining your relationship goals. I do this by focusing on increasing joy and engagement between partners, determining how to go about getting needs met, increasing awareness of self, navigating agreements, and acknowledging the unique stressors that may be impacting self and relationships.